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St. Pete Artificial Turf



About Us

​Artificial grass can be a great way to have a lush green lawn. Artificial grass is easy to maintain and also saves you water and energy. Artificial grass is an excellent option for those who live in areas that are prone to drought because it doesn't require any chemicals or gas-powered lawn equipment. Artificial grass can be used to host parties in your garden. Just make sure you use a hoover to remove any debris. Although artificial grass is durable enough to withstand the elements and wear, they are not impervious. Both commercial and residential applications need to be maintained and cleaned regularly. They may also need to have their appearances redone in order to fix any damage. Artificial turf products are made with a high gloss finish, which protects them from any damage and gives commercial spaces a unique look.

Artificial grass can be made from a variety of materials. Nylon is the most durable and rigid type, while polyethylene, on the other hand, is more flexible and soft. The quality of your artificial grass will depend on whether you choose nylon or polyester. The brand name and the area will also affect the cost.
Our artificial turf company is a trusted brand with positive customer reviews and extensive experience in artificial grass. We will make sure that everything goes smoothly during installation. Artificial grass is a smart choice. It can help you reduce your water consumption and preserve the environment. Our artificial grass services can be used for many purposes including backyards and play areas as well as sports fields. Artificial grass is also a good option for those who live in areas that are susceptible to drought. Artificial grass can be used in high-traffic areas and requires a durable surface.

Artificial grass is a great option to have a lush green lawn year-round. There are many options to choose from, so you can find one that suits your needs and budget. They provide the same benefits as a green, healthy lawn but without the hassle and work that goes into maintaining one. St. Pete Artificial Turf can make your lawn look beautiful in St Petersburg, FL. Artificial grass is a great option for homes and businesses. It is durable and resistant to mold and mildew. Microban is an innovative antimicrobial technology that stops mold and mildew growth. Your artificial grass will stay healthy and clean for up to 15 years with this technology. Learn more. Get in touch with us today!

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